Hajde Marko96 da ti objasnim par stvari,naravno i drugima koji ne razumeju. Ovo sam kopirao sa wikipedia.
To access the game's online multiplayer mode on consoles, players need to activate an Online Pass.[58] New copies of the game include one Online Pass for the original owner of the game to access the multiplayer;
however, if a player buys a used copy or rents the game, they must purchase an Online Pass separately, or access a 48 hour trial via the official game site
.When asked why the developers implemented the pass system, game designer Alan Kertz replied, "because servers cost money, and used games don't make developers any money."[58] Some of the Online Pass codes were invalid from the time of purchase, which EA responded to be telling affected consumers to ask the retailer for a replacement code.[60] Ako ne razumes engleski,to je upravo ono sto sam odgovorio na tvoj komentar.