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Twisted Metal

Van mreže peyo91

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #60 poslato: 02.02.2012, 20:10:09 »
^ ja sam probao 2-3 puta i nije htelo TdM pa sam odustao :D

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #61 poslato: 02.02.2012, 20:19:46 »
Ja nakon 27192618173 puta uspeo,odigrao partiju,smorio se i izasao :D Ali odlicna je igra,bas me zanima kakav ce SP da bude. :hmm

Van mreže Mr.Nice

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #62 poslato: 02.02.2012, 21:26:59 »
Igra je stvarno brutalna! :)
Koliko vam vremena u proseku treba da pobedite ovu ekipicu u single player?

Van mreže Wahad

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #63 poslato: 02.02.2012, 21:36:11 »
Meni je valjda trebalo negde oko 10 minuta. Evo gledam sada sliku što sam slikao score ali ne mogu da nađem vreme :s

Van mreže peyo91

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #64 poslato: 02.02.2012, 21:42:41 »
Igra je stvarno brutalna! :)
Koliko vam vremena u proseku treba da pobedite ovu ekipicu u single player?
Realno ja sam ih samo 2-3 puta sve pobedio :D  za neki 6-7 min :)

Van mreže peyo91

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #65 poslato: 02.02.2012, 22:50:03 »
Da li je sigurno da ce full verzija da ima online split screen  ?? ako jeste ja sutra preoderujem :D :D


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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #66 poslato: 02.02.2012, 23:09:11 »
Igrica je ekstra samo sto su kontrole SRANJE

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Re: Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #67 poslato: 02.02.2012, 23:19:51 »
Igrica je ekstra samo sto su kontrole SRANJE
Mogu da se promene. :)

Van mreže Mr.Nice

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Re: Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #68 poslato: 02.02.2012, 23:43:40 »
Igrica je ekstra samo sto su kontrole SRANJE
Mogu da se promene. :)

Tako ste svi i za Demon's Souls plakali i kuklai oko kontrola, da bi se na kraju svi slozili da je igra savrsenstvo.
Veruj mi, posle 3. partije se naviknes i ne primetis vise razliku.

Van mreže Wahad

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #69 poslato: 02.02.2012, 23:58:03 »
Ja sam se navikao posle 2 partije, nije mi problem ni malo, čak mi je dobro što je gas i kočnica na dugmićima, mogu da pucam komotno i da menjam oružija i da pravim okrete :)

Van mreže Harman Smith

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #70 poslato: 03.02.2012, 00:41:33 »
4.5 minuta sa Meat Wagon... buahahhaahaha

Van mreže Mr.Nice

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #71 poslato: 03.02.2012, 01:20:06 »
I meni je sa Meat Wagon-om najlakse.
Zato sa Reaper-om ne izdrzim ni 2min :)

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #72 poslato: 03.02.2012, 09:09:34 »
Datum izlaska igre ce verovatno biti pomeren za mart, sto se Evrope tice. S obzirom da ce morati nesto da se isece iz same igre...

1- I DO NOT think it's region locked. In fact, if it is, that's brand new cause I remember thinking, 'No way we can do ranked games all over the world cause of lag' and our amazing net coder was like, 'nope, should be ok'....so I don't THINK that's true. In fact, until you guys mentioned it, it never would have occurred to me that we would be region locked cause as of yesterday, we were not. But again, I only found out yesterday we're slipping in Europe so if you've got a link, send it. Otherwise, worldwide game still on! :)

2-RE CONTENT CUTS A: Well nothing like Black. And come on, you think I wanted to change content? FUCK no- for a bunch of reasons 'fuck no'. But it ain't my game (Sony owns the IP and funded it) and I certain countries have- obviously- much stricter guidelines. AND since TM has never been a big seller outside of America, I guess it didn't make sense to have a whole bunch of different discs for each country (i.e. Germany gets disc ver. 3, UK gets disc ver 6, etc.)

3- RE CONTENT CUTS B: It's not a TM:BLACK style change. 99% of the cuts were in the movies and the movies are still intact and I sat with the editor- who was the same editor of the American movies- and we went thru and addressed the notes from Europe and made sure the stories still worked. And to be fair, there have not been that many cuts. For example, in the scene we've released on the net from the intro- where the girl stabs Tooth in the eye- the SCEE version has this but we cut away right before the scissors make contact with Tooth's face. It's CLEAR what she's doing and I think we even keep the sound effects in and such- but the last few frames are gone. The story itself tho totally works and- for some folks even who tend to think this kinda stuff plays better left to your imagination anyway- perhaps it even works better.

4- RE CONTENT CUT C: Only a few content cuts for the game- for example, I think the guy on the gurney from Meat Wagon is dead so you are exploding a corpse covered with TNT vs. a screaming man trapped to the gurney. Sucks on my end but at the same time, I get it and the game play isn't different and the intent is still there, as is the humor. In some ways, it's actually much more macabre when you think about it. Shooting a dude screaming out the back of an ambulance is pretty stupid and fun and cartoony in a dark, twisted way. Turning a stolen from the morgue CORPSE a missile? A bit more disturbing in some ways...not trying to sell you on it, just thinking outloud.

Anyway, it sucks in that I HATE cuts the original game. At the same time, it's nothing like TMB and players in SCEE territories will be able to play the same game and dive into the same Twisted universe as SCEA players. It's a touch different but I and the team still stand JUST as proudly behind the SCEE versions and are very excited that we'll be able to meet up with TM players the world over online and share the game together.

5- As for delay- yeah, it sucks too. Localization just taking a touch longer. Altho I heard March 1 and someone on this board- I think- is saying March 31?!? Does March even have 31 days?!?! It might...shit, I'm dumb. :) I honestly sit here and can't recall...lessee...no I think March goes to 30, right? ANYWAY point being: I heard March 1 (and I KNOW there's a March 1, dammit!)....are you guys hearing something different?

Ok, heading up to San Francisco (thanks Jimmy B!) for the Twisted Metal community event and multiplayer competition and for the IGN live show- hope to see some of ya'll there tonite or in the IGN audience!


Van mreže Mr.Nice

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Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #73 poslato: 03.02.2012, 11:51:21 »
Ovo je krajnje gay.
Ja ne mogu da verujem kakve smo mi ovde pickice u Evropi da nam ovo rade. I nije prvi put da nam daju cenzurisanu verziju, znam da je i Siren Blood Curse isecen za nase prodrucje, a verujem i da ima jos primera.

Van mreže agent

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Re: Re: Twisted Metal - 17.02.2012
« Odgovor #74 poslato: 03.02.2012, 12:07:08 »
Ovo je krajnje gay.
Ja ne mogu da verujem kakve smo mi ovde pickice u Evropi da nam ovo rade. I nije prvi put da nam daju cenzurisanu verziju, znam da je i Siren Blood Curse isecen za nase prodrucje, a verujem i da ima jos primera.
Ne donosimo im dovoljno para,izgleda..
