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Space Marine-06.09.2011

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Space Marine-06.09.2011
« poslato: 24.08.2011, 00:57:03 »
Evo da i ja otvorim temu za jednu igru :) Mislim da ce igra biti dobra,bar da nas zabavi jedno 3 dana dok ne izadje Dead Island,istog dana izlazi i Resistance 3,tako da ce ovo manje biti zapazeno na PS3,ali verovatno ce biti ;)

Evo glavnih podataka :
Datum izlaska : 6 Septembar 2011
Zanr : Pucacina iz treceg lica
Publisher: THQ
Developer: Relic
Platforme : PS3,Xbox 360 i PC
Web-Site : http://www.spacemarine.com/home

Evo opis igre na Engleskom,mrzi me da prevodim  8)

Combining intense melee and ranged combat, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine puts players into the boots of one of humanity's elite soldiers. You have undergone years of psycho-chemical conditioning and rigorous training, and there's never been a time like right now when such training and conditioning were so desperately needed. One of the industrial 'Forge World' planets, where humanity creates its greatest weapons, has come under attack, and the thousands of imperial soldiers stationed there have been overwhelmed. The only thing standing between this planet and its total destruction is your Space Marine.

Space Marine is a fast-paced third person action-shooter from Relic Games allowing players to don the armor of one of the emperor's chosen in this battle for the very survival of humanity. Players are dropped right into the action as they battle to defend an Imperial Forge World from an invasion by the savage and brutal Orks, using the most devastating weaponry mankind has at its disposal.

Evo ga i Trailer sa E3 :)

Evo ga i PS3 Cover   :clapping2

