Prva arkadna avantura u 3d, sa zenskim likom pre 20 godina. Imala 3 akceleraciju a mogla je da se igra i u soft. modu dugme f5 valjda.
Mama ili baka N. Drakea je Lara Croft.
Tomb Raider 1 - System Requirements:
Pentium II 266 MHz, Direct 3D Hardware Accelerator with 8MB, 64 MB RAM, Windows 95/98/ME, CD-ROM: 4x or better, DirectX 7 or higher compatible sound card, 600 MB hard-disk space, DirectX 7 or higher
Direct 3D Hardware Accelerator with 16MB
We do not recommend running the game with a 486 processor regardless of the speed,
yes even at 100MHz. That is because the animated sequences will not run, only a
squeech sound or hissing noise. In addition, the graphics will be slow. We were
able to run it at VGA with reduce screen size on a 15" monitor which was adequate
for general gameplay but difficult to find small places or hideaways. If your video
card has 2MB or more VRAM, you may be able to play all the animations.