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Van mreže MarkoDJ

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« poslato: 06.03.2012, 18:52:42 »
Na igri radi Santa Monica i Plastic, za sada se ne zna puno o igri... Ono sto se zna, da ce biti misteriozna igra koja ce podsecati na Heavy Rain i podrzavace 3D, PS Move ali ce moci i da se igra sa DS joystick-om.

Na ovogodisnjem GDC cemo saznati vise jer spremaju Gameplay Demo na Sony-evom standu...

"Datura" - Upcoming Plastic/Santa Monica Studio Playstation 3 game project

U svakom slucaju obecava!  :clapping2

EDIT: 1000 post!  :whistling

Van mreže Hitman47

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 06.03.2012, 21:31:33 »
Na igri radi Santa Monica i Plastic, za sada se ne zna puno o igri... Ono sto se zna, da ce biti misteriozna igra koja ce podsecati na Heavy Rain i podrzavace 3D, PS Move ali ce moci i da se igra sa DS joystick-om.

Na ovogodisnjem GDC cemo saznati vise jer spremaju Gameplay Demo na Sony-evom standu...

"Datura" - Upcoming Plastic/Santa Monica Studio Playstation 3 game project

U svakom slucaju obecava!  :clapping2

EDIT: 1000 post!  :whistling

WoW santa monica su bogovi, jos ovo izgleda jako jako originalno, hm i'm intrigued .

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 06.03.2012, 21:54:44 »
Cim sam video prase,odmah osecam da ce biti vrh! :D Santa Monica=Naigty Dog :worth

Van mreže Undenis

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 06.03.2012, 22:33:49 »
Izgleda cool samo bih voleo neku psiho mind fuck trip atmosferu !! :)

Sent from my HTC Desire HD
« Poslednja izmena: 07.03.2012, 03:11:58 od strane Undenis »

Van mreže klingklang

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 07.03.2012, 00:16:41 »
ovo mi deluje do jaja

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #5 poslato: 07.03.2012, 13:59:53 »
Nove informacije... nadam se da uskoro mozemo da ocekujemo neki gameplay video!

Hi everyone! I’m Michal Staniszewski from Team Plastic (Plastic Studios) – yep, the same creators of Linger in Shadows. Two years ago, we were asked to closely investigate possibilities of the PlayStation Move motion controller, which was still deep in its prototype phase. Today, we are proud to present you with Datura, which uses the controller in a quite innovative way.

Finding yourself in a mysterious forest, you will navigate your way through the game by controlling your character’s hand using Playstation Move technology. From here, you are immersed into the game’s unique experimental narrative and original way of interaction, which enables you to experience the world not only visually, but also empirically — an illusion that you can actually touch trees, faces, and other objects.

While taking inspiration from film-like narratives, Datura is a story you get a chance to physically participate in. As you travel through the game, you will encounter choices and face your consequences. It is through these puzzles that Datura explores an element of anxiety: was it a right choice or a wrong choice?

Without going into further detail, I would like to let players have the opportunity to experience Datura as it will be available at the PlayStation booth at the Game Developers’ Conference beginning Wednesday, March 7 through the 9th.

Datura will be available exclusively on the PlayStation Network later this year. Please continue to check back on the PlayStation.Blog for more details. See you soon!

Van mreže agent

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #6 poslato: 07.03.2012, 14:10:14 »
Kontam da je ovo samo fora igrati sa Move-om.

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #7 poslato: 07.03.2012, 14:46:28 »
Igra je pravljena za Move, ali naravno da ce moci da se igra sa obicnim Dualshock-om ili Sixaxis-om...

Van mreže mgkilla

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #8 poslato: 07.03.2012, 15:17:49 »
Hm em je za Move em za PSN, nisam nesto zagrejan, ali interesantno zvuci. Radije bi da je igra redovan survival horor njih je na ovoj generaciji premalo.

Van mreže Undenis

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #9 poslato: 07.03.2012, 15:43:47 »
Ja sam se iskreno nadao kada sam video cover da ce biti neki dobar psiho trip kao Alan Wake npr. Ali cu ovo probati u svakom slucaju mozda ce biti dobro.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #10 poslato: 20.04.2012, 10:39:46 »

Van mreže intruder

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #11 poslato: 20.04.2012, 14:40:06 »
ne znam zasto,ali nisam mnogo zaintrigiran mada videcemo u svakom slucaju..

Van mreže Stefi014

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #12 poslato: 07.05.2012, 17:24:36 »

Van mreže agent

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #13 poslato: 07.05.2012, 19:08:22 »
Kada je ovo uopste izaslo. :o

Van mreže almoustevil665

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Re: Datura
« Odgovor #14 poslato: 09.05.2012, 18:01:15 »
Datura od danas na PSN cena pristupacna.
