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007: Goldeneye Reloaded

Van mreže Milan89

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007: Goldeneye Reloaded
« poslato: 25.09.2011, 21:29:50 »

In a very covert manner that seemed very apt for the name of James Bond, Activision requested our presence at the announcement of a new 007 title. Details were revealed upon a need to know basis as our rendezvous point was relayed separately - for your eyes only. After making our way to the location, we descended into the bowels of a private members club, to be greeted by the name many of us expected to see, but no-one knew any details of: Goldeneye 007: Reloaded.

We were lucky to get to some hands-on with the title, and we’re here to tell you about it!

We remained seated, nervously awaiting the Activision agent to brief us on the incoming mission. Two large marketing hoardings ahead of us bore the likenesses of evil duo Oddjob and Jaws. A door marked “Very Private” sat to the left. What could be more private than private? Soon, James Steer arrived, he is an Activision Producer who has worked on many titles, including the last two James Bond outings; 007: Bloodstone and Goldeneye 007 on the Wii. Now we could relax and look forward to finding out what a Reloaded Goldeneye would be like.

Put simply, after the release of Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo Wii, Activision were inundated with requests from gamers for the game to go multi-platform. The Wii version was generally well received, but as is often the case for Nintendo exclusives, the game will only be played by a small proportion of the gaming public – especially as serious games have never been the best sellers on the ground-breaking motion-controlled console. But, rather than simply rush a quick and sloppy port of the Wii version onto the other current generation consoles, Activision and developers Eurocom went back to the drawing board.

