Username: Holystyle
Server: EU-NE
RP: 42
IP: 9253
-Crvene: +0.91 Armor,+1.3 ArPen, +0.95 Physical DMG, +1.7% Attack Speed, +0.93 Crit Chance, +3.5 HP, +0.87 Magic Pen [sve x9]
-Zute: +1.4 Armor, +0.43 Physical DMG, +0.76% Attack Speed, +0.42% Crit Chance, +0.41 Mana Regen/per 5, +19HP at lvl 18 [sve x9]
-Plave: +1.2 AP, +0.28 Physical DMG, +0.64% Attack Speed, +0.28% Attack Speed, +0.63 Magic Pen, +1.3 Magic Resist, +0.31 Mana Regen/per 5, +3.1 AP at lvl 18, +2.7 Magic Resist at lvl 18, - 1.11% CD at lvl 18 [sve x9]
-Quints: +5.0 AP, +2.6 ArPen, +2.3 Physical DMG, +1.9% Crit Chance, +1.0 Gold per 10, +2.0% Lifesteal, +2.0 Magic Pen, + 24HP, +1.4% Move Speed [sve x3]
Broj heroja: 55
Broj skinova: 21
-Unchained Alistar
-RIOT Graves
-Tempest Janna, Frost Queen Janna, Victorious Janna
-Victorious Jarvan IV
-Vandal Jax
-Nightblade Irelia
-Sakura Karma, Traditional Karma
-Deep One Kassadin
-Judgment Kayle
-Valkyrie Leona, Defender Leona
-Ionia Master Yi
-Leopard Nidalee
-Full Metal Rammus
-Surgeon Shen
-Armor of the Fifth Age Taric
-King Tryndamere
-Gangster Twitch
Heroji: / IP: rank u sezoni 2. Sezonu 3 nisam igrao uopste.
-Diamond rank: LoL King stats [S2]: 4.000din
Menjam samo za Wildstar igricu.
***Za BG dolazim licno za prodaju/razmenu
- PM
- E-mail:
- Mob: 060/05-09-499