Druze...ja ovo osecam kao neki odgovor na moju temu pa moram d ti odgovorim....
Neznam da li ti je poznato da crackovani botovi nemaju sverversku (auth) zastitu od blizzarda tako da se sa njima dobija ban iste sekunde....
Svakome kome treba crackovan bot moze da ode na ownedcore ima 4-5 lika koji ga crackuju stalno ali banovi su nevervatno veliki....
evo i objasnjenje sa ownedcore sta su crackovani botovi: Like any other game, Blizzard has got an anti cheat system in place called Warden. Warden has the ability to scan within WoWs address space. Honorbuddy injects into this address space. Meaning, if at some point Blizzard wants to try and detect Honorbuddy, they will update warden to scan for Honorbuddy, for warden to do this, warden needs to be updated. This does not always require a client download patch, meaning they can do it on their servers at any time.
By having Warden Protection, we can to the best of our ability protect you from this. We do this, by having software on our server that keeps an eye on warden and what warden scans. When warden gets updated and/or scans addresses related to Honorbuddy, our auth will shut off and deny, and crash all running bots in an attempt to save as many people from being detected.
Without any warden protection, your bot will continue on running and you will be detected. The warden update can happen 3 in the morning, you wake up 8 in the morning and launch your local bot just fine, and end up instantly banned. Auth secures you from this.
Napominjem ovo sam napisao sam da ne ispadne da ja prodajem nesto sto je djabe.....
Svako ko ima nameru da izgubi svoj account posle 30 min korsicenja ovog bota nek izvoli..