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Ako je to potvrdjeno u screenfun-u onda je to tacno 100000000000000000000000% nekoga zanima cena:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt One £139.99 PC £129.99 PS4 £139.99 ili $149.99 Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Collector's Edition
The Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition brings Witcher fans the fruit of our hard work and passion--what we think is the most artistically complete game figure ever made for a collector’s edition of a game. Forged of supreme-quality materials and containing exclusive content straight from the developers, The Witcher 3 Collector’s Edition is every Witcher fan’s dream come true.
Collector's Edition contains:
The standard edition of the game, containing: the official soundtrack, a beautiful and detailed map of the in-game world, unique stickers, and the developer-created "Witcher Universe - The Compendium"
A giant, 33x24x26 cm, 100% hand painted, Polystone figure of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin
An exclusive, collector grade Witcher medallion
A one of a kind SteelBook (tm)
A two-hundred page artbook, containing breathtaking art from the game
Huge outer and inner Collector’s Boxes you can store your Witcher merchandise in!