Inace bacio sam pogled na neki trophy guide za MK, procenjuju vreme za platinum na 360 sati ako se ne varam?! Ja ne znam sto prave tako teske platinum trofeje... i za MKvsDC je platinum jako tezak! Mislim, jesu to samo trofeji, ali opet... ko ce da ulozi toliko vreme...
My Kung Fu Is Stronger - "The absolute bare minimum gameplay time to receive this trophy is approximately 336 hours. This time is already cut in half using the Tag method, otherwise the bare minimum time would be 672 hours."
To Master a character you will need to reach the following milestones:
-100 victories
-100 -alities
-150 X-Rays Landed
-10,000 Pints of Blood Spilled
-24 Hours of Play
Strasno! Da li postoji neko ko je i razmislio da uzme ovaj trofej... Ko ima toliko vremena?! A i da ima, nije ni zanimljivo. Naravno, uvek ima neka budala... bas sam pogledao na YouTube-u i ima ih par, barem onih sto su se snimili
EDIT: Doduse koriste se i male "fore"...
- The last part is the most grueling part. I recommend that if you have a turbo controller, make damn good use of it here. Set yourself up in a 1P vs 2P match and set it up so that your character is performing a single punch or kick that doesn't make them lunge forward so they stay in place so the game doesn't sit "idle". Leave the match on and go do whatever other things you may need to get done, such as sleep, or work, etc.