Best of all, though, The Missing Link rights the wrongs done to us by Human Revolution's boss battles, ending with a brilliant boss encounter that lets you put all of your skills and cunning to use. It's a tantalising glimpse at how good these fights could have been in the main story, if we hadn't been forced into face-to-face confrontations that felt totally antithetical to the rest of the game.
Neverovatno da je ovoliko pala cena na zavviju Ko nije uzeo igru, a zeleo je, ovu priliku ne sme da propusti
Deus Ex Human Revolution: The Missing Link Review CitatBest of all, though, The Missing Link rights the wrongs done to us by Human Revolution's boss battles, ending with a brilliant boss encounter that lets you put all of your skills and cunning to use. It's a tantalising glimpse at how good these fights could have been in the main story, if we hadn't been forced into face-to-face confrontations that felt totally antithetical to the rest of the game.
Krenuo sam sinoć da igram i oduševljen sam atmosferom u igri a i priča se zahuktava lagano....Mislim da ću se baš navući na ovu igru jer odavno nisam ovako jedva čekao da završim s poslom pa da idem kući i nastavim gde sam stao! Igram na najtežoj deus ex težini, i probaću da sve završim na stealth mode-u bez dizanja alarma i ubijanja protivnika... Wish me luck