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Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Van mreže Simke021

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #135 poslato: 26.09.2011, 01:40:02 »
da  :punk hvala...imam ja jos da gulim do kraja  :))


Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #136 poslato: 26.09.2011, 01:41:02 »
Mene je ovo vuklo da igram do kraja, ali opet sam to podelio na 15-20 dana. :)

Obozavam ovakve igre!  :)

Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #137 poslato: 29.09.2011, 23:19:36 »
Koji ludaci, moram probati neke od ovih stvari!  :super :rofl

10 Things you Must Do in your Playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

1.) Shove a massive amount of guards into an air duct
2.) Take out half the police force while hiding in an air duct
3.) Throw things at people. Everything. Even people. Make sure you throw vending machines too
4.) Take a stand at The Hive. Kill everyone, even civilians. Drag them all into a pile.
5.) Kill everyone. Especially people who arent doing any harm. And even more especially people who you dont have to kill
6.) Kill Strippers. They aren’t even people
10 Things you Must Do in your Playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Published on September 28, 2011, by Rdawg - Posted in Articles 3
Deusss Exxx

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the latest installment into the series that contains quite possibly the best PC title ever released. Thats a lot to live up to, and quite frankly, Deus Ex: Human Revolution doesn’t cut it. In light of that, there’s still hope! In order to make your playthrough more enjoyable, I have composed a list. This list contains the 10 things that I found most entertaining in my Deus Ex experience. I highly suggest doing these things, seeing as the game isn’t that great, and lightening the mood is always a good thing!

1.) Shove a massive amount of guards into an air duct – Come on, how does this not sound ridiculously enjoyable? Basically, when you kill guards, bring them into an air duct. Pack about 20 of them into the same air duct and laugh at how their bodies are glitching out of control. If you have the opportunity, go underneath them, and watch as their body parts glitch through the floor. I felt like a serial killer. It felt great.

10 Things you Must Do in your Playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

2.) Take out half the police force while hiding in an air duct – Okay, the AI in this game is so stupid. I literally took out half of the police force by hiding in an air duct. That should not happen. I would peek my head out, and kill everything by way of headshot. Now, with how bad as this is on the game, I did find it to be funny. I felt like superman! Like I could punch through a wall!! (Oh wait, I can punch through walls….)

3.) Throw things at people. Everything. Even people. Make sure you throw vending machines too. – Okay, this was most likely the funniest thing I ever encountered in this game. Turns out, when you kill people, you can drag them. Also, you can throw them. If you throw a dead person at someone, it kills them instantly, no matter where you hit them. This is pretty much how projectiles work in this game. Its very funny, and had me laughing all game. Though, it wasn’t so funny when I threw a vending machine at someone, they didn’t die, they killed me, and I had to replay the last 30 minutes that I just did.

4.) Take a stand at The Hive. Kill everyone, even civilians. Drag them all into a pile. – So, while going into The Hive, I saw that there were a lot of people. Mostly, there were cops and bouncers, but there were a lot of civilians too. I thought to myself “What if I killed all these people and guards…I could be a hero!”. I physically said “Challenge Accepted” and jumped behind the bar. A bunch of cheap sniper kills later, I had a bunch of dead bodies, and nothing to do with them. Instead of leaving them there to rot, I decided to kill EVERYONE else in the club, and drag them into the pile. I then proceeded to T-Bag them all. This was in no way worth the time (30 Minutes). However, after I was done I did get a pretty good laugh, which I do deserve every once in a while.

10 Things you Must Do in your Playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution

5.) Kill everyone. Especially people who arent doing any harm. And even more especially people who you dont have to kill – This one pretty much speaks for itself. Being one of a short attention span, I dont have the energy or time to sneak around people. So instead, I kill everyone. Mostly people that would otherwise not attack me. It just made the game more fun. I mean, who doesnt want to just tear shit up like its nobody’s business? I know I would!

6.) Kill Strippers. They aren’t even people. – Another self explanatory one. Who cares about strippers? I mean they are basically not people anyways. Its great fodder to take out your many frustrations. Plus, once you kill them, if you are a sick bastard, you can look up their skirts and touch yourself to their skimpy clothing. I didn’t do this of course, but who’s to say you wont want to?
7.) Dance while hiding on the wall. Even super professional killers need to boogie woogie down.
8.) Kill a robot while consecutively hiding along different sides of a single pillar. Catch me if you can, Bitch!
9.) Listen to Carmelldansen while playing. Once you do it, you will understand. Until then, you will only wish you had
10.) Fuck the Police! You are the police! Kill everyone who says differently. Even if they are the police


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Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #138 poslato: 29.09.2011, 23:22:42 »

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #139 poslato: 14.10.2011, 13:44:03 »
Konacno, ko hoce ovo da share-ujemo nek se javi, ja uzimam 1000%. :)  :clapping2

Deus Ex: Human Revolution's Missing Link DLC Out Next Week for $15
The DLC has been priced and slated for release next week.

Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #140 poslato: 16.10.2011, 02:09:47 »
Jel neko ovo presao sem nas dvojice sa foruma?

Neverovatno da propustate ovako genijalnu igru.

Van mreže agent

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #141 poslato: 16.10.2011, 15:04:52 »
Jel neko ovo presao sem nas dvojice sa foruma?

Neverovatno da propustate ovako genijalnu igru.
Ja sam se dosta istresao za U3 i BF:3,jedva sam i sklepio da uzmem LA Noire pa sam zamenio za TS4,niko nije hteo da mi da Deus Ex za LA Noire.Nismo svi ovde burzuji kao ti :P

Van mreže duls147

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #142 poslato: 16.10.2011, 15:11:42 »
Ja sam skinuo bio matori Deus Ex da predjem pre ovog prequel-a, ali mi je Dark Souls poremetio planove  ;)

Tesko je navici se na igru posle toliko godina, mehanika joj je dosta zastarela (pucanje je ocajno, hit detecton nepostojeci ) , mada je 2000. bila ispred svog vremena u nekim stvarima, narocito u tim rpg elementima.. I prica je vrlo zanimljiva, ima dosta prostora za prequel  :)

Van mreže cufi

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #143 poslato: 16.10.2011, 15:12:53 »
Jel neko ovo presao sem nas dvojice sa foruma?

Neverovatno da propustate ovako genijalnu igru.
Mene smorila posle 2h igranja. Posto sam previse razmazen jbg, a grafika je zivi krs  :(

Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #144 poslato: 16.10.2011, 15:20:15 »
Nije uopste napucavanje krs, nego su puske sranje dok se na upgrade-uju, posle znas kakvih sve oruzja ima, bruka!  :clapping2

Grafika uopste nije tako losa, pogotovo posle van Detroita, a i koga zanima grafika u Deus Ex igri? :D

CoD ima grafiku kao PS2 igra pa ga svi igraju. :D  :dontunderstand

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #145 poslato: 16.10.2011, 20:04:43 »
Nema se para za sve hitove!

Cekace se pad cena, mada i sada kosta smesno...3000 je nista za takvu igru. Mada vidim da je potraznja slaba, tako da ukoliko neko zeli da je proda posle prelaska...tesko.

Van mreže Bob Marli

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #146 poslato: 16.10.2011, 20:07:51 »
Radje ce svi dati za novu kodacinu 50 evra nego 30-35 za ovaj masterpiece od igre.
Ne pamtim kad sam odigrao nesto sa boljom pricom! :)

Sent from iPad Tapatalk

Van mreže IK_BadS

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #147 poslato: 16.10.2011, 20:09:53 »
Znaci nisi igrao AC Brotherhood,znao sam.  :-X

Van mreže pera_kojot

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #148 poslato: 16.10.2011, 20:10:57 »
CoD ima grafiku kao PS2 igra pa ga svi igraju. :D  :dontunderstand
Ne nego ti nikad nisi igro COD

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 26.08.2011
« Odgovor #149 poslato: 16.10.2011, 20:32:36 »
Radje ce svi dati za novu kodacinu 50 evra nego 30-35 za ovaj masterpiece od igre.
Ne pamtim kad sam odigrao nesto sa boljom pricom! :)

Sent from iPad Tapatalk

Ne, nego cu radije dati pare za FIFU i Battlefield! :P

Malo je falilo da uzmem ovo, ali onda sam razmislio i bolje da uzmem nadolazece Online MP hitove. :) Za SP naslove ima vremena.
