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Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #375 poslato: 31.05.2013, 15:24:28 »
A sto ne znamo ni quote da udarimo kako treba :D
:)) :)) Nisam ja kriv, tastatura me zajebava  :))

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #376 poslato: 01.06.2013, 09:56:38 »
http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/05/31/xbox-one-vs-ps4-the-results-ign-versus                                                                                                                                    Best Conference: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 21.866 - 23,3%
PS4: 71.965 - 76,7%

Best Controller: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 30.672 - 45,19%
PS4: 37.206 - 54,81%

Best Name: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 13.941 - 21,77%
PS4: 50.098 - 78,23%

Overall Choice: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 21.307 - 25,17%

Van mreže Neven88

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #377 poslato: 01.06.2013, 10:38:26 »
http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/05/31/xbox-one-vs-ps4-the-results-ign-versus                                                                                                                                    Best Conference: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 21.866 - 23,3%
PS4: 71.965 - 76,7%

Best Controller: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 30.672 - 45,19%
PS4: 37.206 - 54,81%

Best Name: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 13.941 - 21,77%
PS4: 50.098 - 78,23%

Overall Choice: PlayStation 4
Xbone: 21.307 - 25,17%

Logicno  :))

Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #378 poslato: 01.06.2013, 10:56:49 »
Na temu drm-a i online-a.


"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

"We are just now announcing the basic vision and strategy of PS4 and will have more information to share regarding used games later this year. But PlayStation has a long history of keeping its gamers happy and we won't make decisions that damage our relationship with them."

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #379 poslato: 07.06.2013, 21:44:49 »
So I believe this is interesting in light of a prior rumour about Sony limiting second hand game sales on PS4.

 Sony has been working on new technology for limiting used game sales, and has applied for a patent. The patent was filed 09/12/2012 by SCEJ.

 Perhaps this work is where the rumour came from. Or perhaps it independently corroborates the rumour.

 Link: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2013/0007892.html

 Anyway, here's some of the relevant detail:
According to the present embodiment, realized is the electronic content processing system that reliably restricts the use of electronic content dealt in the second-hand markets. As a result, the dealing of electronic content in the second-hand markets is suppressed, which in turn supports the redistribution of part of proceeds from sales of the electronic content to the developers. Though in the following description a game application (AP) is exemplified as the electronic content, the present embodiment is similarly applicable to various kinds of electronic content such as an office suite, images, and music content.

By employing the game playing system 1000 according to the present embodiment, the use permission tag 220 together with the game disk 210 is supplied to the user, and the use permission tag 220 actively determines the use permit/rejection of electronic content. Thereby, the use of game AP stored in the game disk 210 can be restricted as appropriate according to the attribute of a reproduction device. Consider, for example, a case where used is a game package 200 distributed in the second-hand market. Then the ID of reproduction device for the game disk 210 differs from the legitimate use device ID stored in the use permission tag 220, so that the game disk can be reproduced in a mode which is predetermined for those bought and sold in the second-hand market. Also, for example, a content key may be supplied to the reproduction device 130 and the encrypted game AP may be decrypted using the content key only if the reproduction device ID matches a legitimate use device ID. Hence, use of game APs bought and sold in the second-hand market can be eliminated.

 It works by supplying a contactless RF tag with each copy of a game (NFC?), which can (independent of a network connection), remember if a game has been tied to a different machine or user account previously. The system checks with the tag before playing the game.

 I suppose I should say that this doesn't mean PS4 will, for sure, restrict second hand games. This would not be the first time Sony registered patents in this area and then did nothing with the tech. In fact I remember a patent fueling rumours prior to PS3's launch. The decision would be a business one, not one based on technical feasibility. This system would be relatively expensive to implement vs network-DRM. Although it could have the double effect of limiting piracy - at least until pirates could hack or reproduce the 'rf tag' system.

 The last official comment we had from someone at Sony was Jack Tretton's "'for the record, I'm totally opposed to blocking used games." - but maybe people would be better reassured by a comment from SCEJ...

 So with those qualifications out of the way, have at it :P

 edit - since it's causing some confusion, the application refers to a system that can tie a game to your user ID (i.e. your account), or a machine ID via the RF tag. For people wondering what would happen if your console died etc.


Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #380 poslato: 07.06.2013, 21:54:14 »
Tko ce ga znati, fora je sto su iz microsofta rekli sta kako, a sony cuti I skuplja poene, verujem da cemo sve cuti na e3. Ali se nadam da nece biti neceg slicnog, ovo je rumor. Nadam se da ce ps4 ostati veran gejmerima,

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #383 poslato: 08.06.2013, 16:30:04 »
Mnogo citas novine :))
Terali me jos u prvom razredu da naucim azbuku, pa u drugom abecedu pa na kraju od treceg razreda engleski, pa od 5 francuski.... Pa reko da ne propadne sve to.... : P  :)) :rofl


Van mreže Darko87

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Van mreže cufi

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #385 poslato: 08.06.2013, 16:43:12 »
Ako bude takav ps4, onda jedino piraterija ce biti isplativa za nas  :grr Cekam sad e3, nadam se da ovo nije istina, ako jeste i sony i ms treba da se kolektivno samoubiju  :grr

Van mreže Stranger

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #386 poslato: 08.06.2013, 16:51:58 »
Valjda nece i oni goveda da ispadnu.

Ali opet, cak i da se to desi, pre cu da uzmem ps4 zato sto:

-Xbox One: Moras online i ne mozes polovne igre
-Ps4: Isto ne mozes polovne igre ali ne moras online.
PSN ID: Pikac_93

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #387 poslato: 08.06.2013, 17:02:26 »

-Xbox One: Moras online i ne mozes polovne igre
-Ps4: Isto ne mozes polovne igre ali ne moras online.

Cekaj bre, meni to nije jasno, kako oni meni mogu da zabrane da ja prodam nesto sto je moje? Ako hocu da prodam igru, necu da pitam ni ms ni sony da li mogu..... Da neko pogresno ne shvati.... Da bi ja nekome prodao igru, ne mogu direktno nego preko posrednika. Koji ce za igru da izda kod i posle toga ta igra ne moze vise da se preproda....
« Poslednja izmena: 08.06.2013, 17:08:46 od strane Milan89 »


Van mreže Stranger

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #388 poslato: 08.06.2013, 17:12:50 »
Pa pise tamo, mislim da si ti to okacio, da po onim EULA zakonima mogu to urade. Secam se proslogodisnjih rumora, daleko pre no sto su obe konzole najavljene, pricali su da ce Sony blokirati polovne igre, jer vise para izgube preprodajom igara nego od piraterije. Ne steti njima kad ti pozajmis igru prijateljima, to je sitno, vec ciljaju na one prodavnice koje se bave preprodajom igara.

Lepo rece jednom jedan clan: Zamisli npr ti kupis GTA V. Pozajmis meni, ja posle dam Darku, Darko cufiju, cufi da agentu i tako dalje i nas desetorica odigramo igru a samo je jedanput kupljena.
A zamisli sad da ne rade polovne igre. Ti kupis igru i odigras je, a nas devetorica ostanemo praznih saka. Nas devetorica sigurno necemo da odustanemo od igre, jos neko od nas ce da je kupi, ako ne i svi.

Sad ispade da branim ovaj sistem za koriscene igre, daleko od toga, samo govorim iz njihove perspektive.
PSN ID: Pikac_93

Van mreže cufi

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #389 poslato: 08.06.2013, 17:26:30 »
Vidis ja ako kupim auto, mogu da dam i bratu, drugu, caletu, komsiji.... U sustini ti vise neces biti vlasnik igara, samo ces pozajmljivati igre od ms i sonija  :grr :grr :grr
