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Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine

Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #315 poslato: 09.05.2013, 21:19:11 »
Bas sam o tome citao malopre, treba svakako, sto da ne. Uz ono sto vec nude + ekskluzive + indie games sto da ne I f2p igre :)

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #316 poslato: 10.05.2013, 09:58:34 »
Rumor: PS4 marketing promises 'Greatness Awaits':
Sony does not plan on being humble for the launch of PS4 later this year. With a new creative agency representing the PlayStation brand, PS4 will promise that "Greatness Awaits" in its debut marketing push.

Siliconera obtained a leak from a company working on the campaign. According to their source, the commercial will ask gamers: "Who are you not to be great?"

The initial commercial will visually reference Killzone: Shadow Fall and Destiny, Bungie's new multiplatform game which promises exclusive content for PlayStation consoles. The initial copy slyly points out some of PS4's unique features, like the ability to use your real identity while gaming. "Who are you to be anonymous? You, whose name should be spoken in reverent tones or in terrified whispers," the script currently states.

The bold statement would be in line with PlayStation's legacy of ads. Even before PS4's announcement, Sony ran ads poking fun at Microsoft and Nintendo. It wouldn't be particularly surprising if the company opted to stick with such a bold tagline.

Still, there is one line that seems ripe for the cutting room floor: "Who are you to be ordinary? You, who could get away with murder, or raise the dead." Given the sensitivity around video game violence, we doubt that a line that tasteless could possibly make it to the final copy.


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Van mreže Darko87

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Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #319 poslato: 14.05.2013, 12:38:01 »
REVEAL PLAYSTATION 4 PS4 E3 2013 新しいプレイステーションE3プレゼンテーション

Iz sonija kazu da je FAKE reklama, ali meni se svidja, pa rekoh da sherujem. Vredi. Zestoka je

Van mreže Darko87

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  • PSN: ProdigalSon987

Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #321 poslato: 20.05.2013, 17:30:43 »
Exclusive video | PlayStation 4 See it First at E3 | Teaser


Uzbudjen iako nista nisam video  :))

Van mreže Undenis

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #322 poslato: 21.05.2013, 07:43:17 »
Bilo bi super kada bi dali uzivo konferenciju na Home-u da se gleda.

Van mreže ilovetorrents

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #323 poslato: 21.05.2013, 14:10:37 »
Bilo bi super kada bi dali uzivo konferenciju na Home-u da se gleda.

Mislim da im je to uobičajena praksa?

Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #324 poslato: 21.05.2013, 14:33:12 »
Koliko se ja secam, jeste...

Hm... Mozda vidimo nesto novo u vidu reklame za vreme finala LS. :)

Послато са GT-I9000 користећи Тапаток 2


Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #325 poslato: 21.05.2013, 16:15:15 »
Bice Live Stream na Playstation.com! :)

Samo sto ce biti u 3 ujutru... ;)

Послато са GT-I9000 користећи Тапаток 2


Van mreže MarkoDJ

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #326 poslato: 24.05.2013, 13:32:24 »
Reklama iz EU novina sto ukazuje da ce se PS4 izaci ove godine na EU trzistu.


Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #327 poslato: 24.05.2013, 20:42:33 »
Reklama iz EU novina sto ukazuje da ce se PS4 izaci ove godine na EU trzistu.
Odlicna vest, mislim nije da cu ga kupovati ali opet super je to, da ne kasni kao I uvek

Van mreže MagicMaster

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Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #329 poslato: 25.05.2013, 12:29:31 »

 :D  :D  :D  :D

E do mojega..... Eto vam vas sony.... Sada na E3 ima bar pola sata i oni da seru kako ce moci da se gleda tv i kako ce imati smart guide.... Ko da vec nemam satelitski risiver.....  E stvarno kuda idu konzole....  Nemoj  bar Sony da zasere sa tv-om..... E stvarno ima da kupim wii u....
« Poslednja izmena: 25.05.2013, 12:32:04 od strane Milan89 »

