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Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine

Van mreže DeVLAX

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Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #300 poslato: 04.04.2013, 17:33:14 »
Novinarska patka, ali ostaje nam da se nadamo u ovako nisku cenu!

Van mreže Blue

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #301 poslato: 04.04.2013, 17:56:52 »
Pa od starta se pričalo o ceni od 400-450 dolara tako da tih 300 funti nije nemoguće.

Van mreže DeVLAX

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Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #302 poslato: 04.04.2013, 18:22:47 »
Mene više raduje vest iz Epic studija koji kažu da je PS4 "najbolji pc na svetu napravljen za igranje", polako se ostvaruju glasine da dobijamo moćnu mašinu do 500€ u rangu mnoooogo skupljih pc mašina za igranje!

Van mreže Darko87

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Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #304 poslato: 16.04.2013, 17:05:20 »

Jos jedna potvrda da mozemo ocekivati ne tako skupu konzolu  :clapping2

Van mreže GentlemenTech

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #305 poslato: 18.04.2013, 17:00:43 »
Ne verujem da ce biti vise od 450$ (znachi 600 evra u srbiji)

Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #306 poslato: 25.04.2013, 19:53:24 »

Na ovom linku developeri diskutuju o dualshock 4, pa mozemo malo vise informacija da izvucemo  o samom gamepadu.


Po recima Mark Cerny-a sony ce imati za sada najjaci line up na samom pocetku, jaci nego bilo koji playstation do sada.

Takodje sony je registrovao TM na ime The Order 1886, opis video game software, zvuci zanimljivo, da li je u pitanju igra za ps4 ili neki psn naslov, u svakom slucaju mislim da cemo se u buducnosti naigrati preodlicnih novih naslova, dobiti nove fransize. Toliko sam izvukao o vestima za Sony.
« Poslednja izmena: 25.04.2013, 20:06:49 od strane Darko87 »

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #307 poslato: 25.04.2013, 20:08:50 »
Ne verujem da ce biti vise od 450$ (znachi 600 evra u srbiji)

Znaci bar 100-150 e manje u Madjarskoj.....  :handshake:


Van mreže Darko87

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #308 poslato: 25.04.2013, 20:23:51 »
Ne verujem da ce biti vise od 450$ (znachi 600 evra u srbiji)

Znaci bar 100-150 e manje u Madjarskoj.....  :handshake:
Plus povrat pdva :D

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #309 poslato: 25.04.2013, 20:34:59 »
Ne verujem da ce biti vise od 450$ (znachi 600 evra u srbiji)

Znaci bar 100-150 e manje u Madjarskoj.....  :handshake:
Plus povrat pdva :D

Vidim da je jos neko kupovao od Madjara :D


Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #310 poslato: 26.04.2013, 14:39:34 »
How DualShock 4 makes split-screen gaming better on PS4
PlayStation 4 comes with a new high-tech controller: the predictably-named DualShock 4. While it retains the same button layout as previous generations of Sony controllers, it adds a rather unique feature: a glowing strip of light at the controller's head, enabling the use of PlayStation Move-style tracking.

"We can track the position of this controller with multiple folks in the room. It's very easy for the PS4 to identify who's who, who's holding which controller," Scott Rohde, SVP of product development at Worldwide Studios said.

Being able to track players and their controllers opens up new features. One of the most intriguing examples involves split-screen gameplay. "If the system sees that we've swapped places, or I've passed the controller to someone, it can automatically adjust the ordering of the split screen so that it makes sense to everyone," SCEA R&D senior software engineer Anton Mikhailov said in a new video released by Sony (thanks valcan_s!). "It seems like a minor thing, but it actually really helps the flow of the game and helps the intuitiveness of the entire console."

We expect to test this functionality as soon as we can, by gratuitously wrestling someone while playing split-screen game.


Van mreže Undenis

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Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #312 poslato: 04.05.2013, 11:14:02 »
How DualShock 4's light bar works in Killzone: Shadow Fall
One of the interesting new additions to the DualShock controller for PS4 is the light bar. Coupled with a new PlayStation Eye camera, the light bar will enable some PlayStation Move-esque functionality. (It will make co-op games smarter, as well.) However, there are other applications for the light bar, as evidenced by Killzone: Shadow Fall.

"The light-bar doesn't require the camera to function," Sony's Shuhei Yoshida explained to Edge. Even when uncoupled from a camera, the LED screen will allow players to quickly identify which controller is theirs. Also, "game designers could use it for some effect," Yoshida said.

"Like when [players are] losing HP, the color could change from green to red. Like in the Killzone demo, if you were watching Steven playing, [that game] has that function already," he pointed out. "People were watching the main screen, but Steven was facing the audience, showing how the light bar color changes as he was hit by the enemy; as he lost hit points the color was changing from green to red. And when he used the health replenishment, it went back to green."

Some PlayStation Move games took advantage of the colored orb as well. For example, in Sorcery, the orb changes color based on what spell you have selected. However, with PS4, every game will be able to offer additional information through the light bar.


Van mreže Stranger

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #313 poslato: 04.05.2013, 13:01:26 »
Interesantna ideja, nije to nesto mnogo bitno ali interesantno je :)

PSN ID: Pikac_93

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 (Orbis) spec, glasine itd...
« Odgovor #314 poslato: 09.05.2013, 21:08:51 »
Microsoft, Sony pushing F2P for next-gen, says Epic VP
Both Sony and Microsoft are hopping aboard the free-to-play models in the next generation, according to Epic Games VP Mark Rein. Speaking at the UK's Game Horizon conference, Rein said that the two companies are both actively courting developers with talk of F2P models and in-app purchases.

"The next-gen consoles are going to be fully embracing the free-to-play and these IAP-type business models," Rein said, according to Joystiq. "So in case you don't know that I'm putting that out there. Sony and Microsoft are both going heavily in that area." Asked for evidence, Rein said, "I'm telling you what they're telling developers."

Sony's move into F2P isn't surprising, as it already supports some like Dust 514 on the PlayStation 3. This month's issue of Game Informer also reveals that Sony itself is working on a F2P title, and we recently learned that Blacklight Retribution will be free-to-play on the PlayStation 4. Microsoft's F2P plans are more mysterious, but that might change after it officially announces the next Xbox on May 21.
GameHorizon 2013 - Roundtable: New opportunities in video game hardware

