Koliko vas dvojica niste normalni To mi mozemo da pricamo sada ali dok se ne vidi nista necemo znati, dok sony ne objavi zvanicno i ms isto, mi mozemo samo da nagadjamo specifikacije, brzine servera, cenu konzola i cene network usluga, moze i da se placa moze i nda se ne placa, da bude 50 evra ili 80 evra godisnje mi to ne znamo. Cekamo april da vidimo novi box i e3 da vidimo jos od sonija
To me podseca na jednu staru basnu....
Evo malo
-a sta EA kaze za sledeci box
The firm expects Microsoft’s next-gen reveal to closely follow Sony’s PS4 announcement, “We think that Microsoft is likely to structure its unveiling similarly to Sony’s, but expect differentiation between the two consoles. “We think that Microsoft’s next-generation Xbox will be similarly powered, will have a comparable first party lineup, comparable third-party support, but may have features that Sony cannot provide (or which it may not be ready to announce).
“We speculate that these include Kinect bundled with every next-generation Xbox, integration of Skype into the Xbox dashboard, greater multimedia functionality (which we have repeatedly said will likely include a built-in television tuner), integration with any smart phone or tablet (“smart glass”), search functionality through Bing, and enhanced Internet access.
“We think Microsoft is unlikely to formally announce its next-generation console until April or later, and the company may wait until E3 in early June.”
Sta je tu bitno:
but may have features that Sony cannot provide (or which it may not be ready to announce).
I kao sto sam ranije rekao, SKYPE
ce biti deo novog Xbox-a, sto ce mnogo vise pomoci Xbox-u i konkretno nego sto Sony ima ili ce da ima.... Skype sam po sebi ima ogroman broj korisnika, jos ako bude moglo sa Xbox-a da se razgovara sa nekim ko koristi PC ili mob, to ce imati znacajnu populaciju ljudi koja ce to da ceni i koristi......