Sve najbolje sa konzolom Neven88Ajde uzimajte BF4 pa da igramo u MP-u sada kada ima party chat je mnogo mnogo bolje
WahadinhoJa već imam preko 10h gameplay-a u bf4Sent from my C6603
Dodajte I mene, NevenCuk1988srb. Imam tek 2-3 sata igranja i takodje sam malo izgubio osecaj ali ide na bolje. Nisam igrao Bf dva meseca sigurno,od kada sam prodao PS3.
Christmas time means many people are opening up freshly-wrapped consoles, handhelds, and games. So as you might expect, a number of online services have been affected by high volume. Sony's PlayStation Network and Nintendo's eShop have both been affected by heavy online traffic, as has Valve's Steam service.A number of users have hit PlayStation's forums to post in regards to network outages experienced throughout the day. PlayStation Network servers are said to be online, according to the PlayStation support page, though a number of users across forums and Twitter say that they are still experiencing trouble.Meanwhile, the Nintendo Network has experienced problems since early this morning, leaving users unable to jump onto the eShop or set up new Nintendo Network accounts. Nintendo urges users to be patient and note that they are addressing the issues.Steam is also experiencing extremely high volume, which can be attributed to its free Left 4 Dead 2 giveaway that started earlier today.