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Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine

Van mreže MikiCZV

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1080 poslato: 21.10.2013, 20:41:46 »
Meni je 1260x720 u igricama na ps3u a ovako 1920x1080

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1081 poslato: 22.10.2013, 01:13:40 »
Meni je 1260x720 u igricama na ps3u a ovako 1920x1080
:o  :worth  :D

Van mreže gujgli

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1082 poslato: 22.10.2013, 10:55:07 »
PS4: New Sony PlayStation 4 - Includes Killzone Shadow Fall + Camera + Extra DualShock 4 Controller
Free UK Delivery
U kom univerzumu ovo ima smisla? :o
Budi srecan sto ne zivis u Brazilu, cena prava sitnica $1800  :D:

Btw, odlozen i Watch Dogs za sledecu godinu...

Van mreže hostile_bg

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1083 poslato: 22.10.2013, 15:09:06 »
Realno ne bi ni stigao da ga odigram pre sledece godine, koliko sad naslova izlazi :D

Van mreže cortez83

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Van mreže hostile_bg

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1086 poslato: 22.10.2013, 16:28:24 »
Sta ce tebi gujgli isporuka u Srbiju?

Van mreže cortez83

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1087 poslato: 22.10.2013, 17:11:59 »
Ne mozemo mi kao turisti,ali moze moj buraz to da mi odradi i da uzmem preko njega  :punk

Van mreže gujgli

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1088 poslato: 22.10.2013, 19:26:30 »
Sta ce tebi gujgli isporuka u Srbiju?
Ma ne treba meni stanujem pored njih  :D, nego da se ljudi bezveze ne cimaju i narucuju.
Cortez, dobra je akcija, bukvalno poklanjaju 50 jura, nek ti sredi to brat ako moze al sto pre, mislim da im je akcija ogranicena na jos par nedelja..

Van mreže Harman Smith

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Van mreže ilovetorrents

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Van mreže Harman Smith

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1091 poslato: 24.10.2013, 22:36:07 »
Ja vidis nisam... hm..

Van mreže Milan89

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1092 poslato: 25.10.2013, 17:58:33 »
PS4 to launch with 300MB day-one update
Given the long manufacturing lead time necessary to build new hardware, it's unsurprising that new consoles typically launch with day-one updates. PS4 is no different, and it will launch with firmware 1.50 when it's available on November 15th. While you won't need to update the system to use it, the 300MB update includes key features that you will probably want to take advantage of.

Firmware 1.50 adds support for Remote Play, which lets PS Vita systems play PS4 games via a wi-fi connection. A new Vita firmware update will also be required for this feature to work. The firmware also adds support for Second Screen, which lets various handhelds (including iOS and Android devices) to connect with PS4 through the PlayStation App.
The "Share" button on your DualShock 4 controller will be largely useless without the update, as 1.50 adds the ability to record, take screenshots, and upload gameplay. At launch, PS4 will be able to share images and videos on Facebook, and screenshots via Twitter. You'll also be able to broadcast real-time gameplay via Ustream and Twitch.

PlayGo--the ability to play games as they download--is also enabled with the 1.50 update. Do keep in mind, however, that this doesn't necessarily mean instant access to your games. Data can continue to be downloaded while the system is in standby mode--no need for it to remain fully powered on like it did on PS3.

Four users will be able to log-in to a single PS4 system simultaneously. Each of these players will be able to use their own save data and earn their own PlayStation Network trophies. In addition, firmware 1.50 will enable party chat, which supports up to eight players across PS4 and Vita.

If you want to play movies, you'll need to update and connect to the internet to activate support for Blu-ray and DVD playback. This is similar to how WMV support was activated on PS3. In addition, background music support will be provided by Music Unlimited, Sony's subscription-based internet radio service.
Intriguingly, 1.50 also adds features that may make PS4 competitive with Kinect. With a PlayStation Camera (sold separately), you'll be able to register your face to log-in with facial recognition. You'll also be able to use voice commands on the PlayStation Dynamic Menu--with or without the camera. If you want, you can simply use the mono headset included with the system to start up games and shut down the system.
Xbox One will also launch with a day-one update, one that is mandatory before the console can be used. Wii U also launched with a day-one update, a process that was so slow that Nintendo later had to issue an apology. Hopefully, PS4's launch goes a bit smoother--but with over a million systems going out on day one, it's not hard to imagine there will be hiccups.

PS4 and Xbox One to support 8-player party chat
With less than a month before Microsoft and Sony's next-gen consoles launch, the two companies continue to make the case for their systems. There is one area where the two consoles will share something in common: party chat for up to eight players. Both Sony and Microsoft have confirmed that this feature will be available at launch.

Sony's plans regarding party chat came to light earlier this week through a Killzone: Shadow Fall Q&A (via CVG), with Sony Social Media Manager Sid Shuman saying, "Party Voice Chat will support up to 8 players on PS4, like PS Vita."

Microsoft responded in kind a few days later by responding to a Game Informer inquiry about their own party chat plans. A Microsoft spokesperson stated, "At launch, up to eight people will be able to join a Party Chat at a time on Xbox One."

PS3 does not feature a party chat option, while Xbox 360 currently supports up to eight players for Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Microsoft's statement to Game Informer did not rule out the possibility of increasing party sizes in the future.


Van mreže Serbian91

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1093 poslato: 27.10.2013, 16:43:30 »
Gde i dalje mogu da preorderujem konzolu a da stize za launch day? Pozeljno bi bilo da mogu naruciti konzolu kod nas, ili od nasih komsija, iz madjarske ( Segedin npr. ).

Da li se i dalje moze preorderovati kod ComputerLand-a?
« Poslednja izmena: 27.10.2013, 17:21:32 od strane Serbian91 »
...like the philosopher Jagger once said, 'You can't always get what you want.

Van mreže Bob Marli

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Re: Playstation 4 Vesti, polemisanje, diskusija, glasine
« Odgovor #1094 poslato: 27.10.2013, 20:47:59 »
Pa i dalje stoji preorder u CL, a valjda kod ovih iz Subotice nema vise.
