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Turkey Day is Animal Crossing New Horizons equivalent to Thanksgiving

Van mreže james10241515

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Turkey Day is Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ equivalent to Thanksgiving, presenting Franklin the turkey chef. (He’s a turkey who is Buy Animal Crossing Items  a chef, now not a chef who cooks turkey.)

On Nov. 26 from 9 a.M. Till midnight, gamers will discover Franklin in their Resident Services location with a stovetop in the front of him. He’ll want help gathering elements to make a pleasing Turkey Day meal and in case you assist him, he’ll praise you with special Turkey Day DIY recipes and furniture.

Each recipe beneath has a fixed of capacity substances, together with one mystery factor. Giving Franklin the secret ingredient for the recipe will come up with a bonus furnishings object. In order to get the Turkey Day DIY recipes, you’ll need to offer him secret ingredients for all four recipes, so make certain to ACNH Items do this.