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Psyonix declared that it was getting rid of Rocket League

Van mreže james10241515

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Psyonix declared that it was getting rid of Rocket League
« poslato: 04.09.2020, 08:19:41 »
Psyonix likewise declared changes to the Trade-In framework when Blueprints are added to Rocket League. It'll "incapacitate the capacity to

utilize paid substance" in the Trade-In framework Buy Rocket League Items . Anything from Blueprints, the Item Shop, or Crates won't have the option to be exchanged once the

update goes live. Free post-game drops will at present have the option to be exchanged.

"We likewise plan to actualize a refreshed stock administration include that will permit you to file things that you would prefer not to

find in your dynamic rundown of customization things," Psyonix said.When Psyonix declared that it was getting rid of Rocket League's boxes and keys, supplanting them with outlines Rocket League Items , it was additionally joined by the news that the Showroom would clear a path for a

new Item Shop. Psyonix has now shared more insights concerning how the shop will function.
